818-974-1255 kenny@semlerins.com 

Kenny Birstein

  • Title: SR VP OF SALES
  • Phone: 818-974-1255
  • Email: kenny@semlerins.com


Kenny is the office problem solver and enjoys finding solutions for current and potential clients. He has vast work experience from Cannabis/CBD, hospitality, telecommunications, nutritional supplements as well as the beauty industry. He founded Semler Insurance with the goal to be able to offer clients many choices when it comes to insurance providers, ensuring the right fit.

Kenny is a graduate of University of Houston and is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. He is an avid golfer and has 2 daughters. His past work experiences have given him the opportunity to better serve our clients as he recognizes their businesses needs and can give insights into helping them better understand their policies.

Kenny has found a niche within the Cannabis/CBD space and has an in-depth knowledge of general and product liability insurance for various needs.